When I was a newborn, in-home or lifestyle newborn photography sessions didn’t exist. There were only traditional photography studios you could take your family to for portraits. In recent years, there has been a shift in the photography world as lifestyle newborn sessions have come to exist. As a Holliston newborn photographer, I have the privilege of visiting families at their home during this special time. Having photography at home is very different than a traditional studio session. While not for everyone, home sessions have some definite advantages.
Whether your newborn baby has a blowout, spits up their recent feed or your toddler drops their snack, your full wordrobe is right there in the other room! Let’s face it, accidents happen. With little kids, wardrobe malfunctions happen A LOT. Instead of worrying about packing a duffel bag full of back-up options to lug to a studio, let’s do your session right next to your wardrobe.
The very definition of home, according to Merriam-Webster is: a familiar or usual setting. Families are more at ease in their own spaces. Newborns and big siblings feed off of their parents’ moods. Thus, the more comfortable everyone is…the easier it is to relax and have a good photography session at home.
Years from now, your wee little newborn baby will love seeing how you decorated your home. They will want to see where they slept and what sheet you chose for them. The day they have their own newborn, they’ll want a photo of themselves in that hand-me-down crib to compare. While there is a visual appeal to a stark white or perfectly styled studio shot, for me, it doesn’t tell the personal family story.
Whether mom or dad need a coffee or toddler needs a bribery treat, your kitchen is there to assist. When your toddler decides they dislike your choice of snacks, you can just grab another! No stress. No trying to guess who is going to be hungry when. If you’re bottle-feeding your newborn, access to the kitchen is essential. If you’re breast-feeding, having a rocking chair and your nursing pillow close by is convenient.
During newborn lifestyle sessions like this one in Holliston, big siblings are very involved. We are capturing images of siblings alone, the whole family together, and various other combinations. However, there is a fair amount of down time when big siblings don’t need to be involved. I spend time photographing your infant alone, just mom and new baby, and just dad and new baby.
When you’re at home, your toddler/big kid can run free. They can go hang out with their toys or have some down-time in their room. Big siblings have just had their worlds tipped upside-down and “performing” for a photoshoot can leave them feeling a little off. Sometimes they are bouncing off the walls, and sometimes they are a little grouchy/uncooperative. Having space and their familiar toys right there is a life-saver!
copyright 2019 • lyndsay hannah photography • brand + website credit
"To say that I love each one would be cliche and a total understatement, but seriously... She nailed it. Being a photographer myself, I am very picky and searched dozens of photographers before coming back to lyndsay and booking her and I am so glad I did. I can't even remember the last time I hired a photographer and was this in love with the images and unable to pick just a few favorites. Thank you, lyndsay, for making the photo session easy (with 3 kids), fun and providing this mama memories for a lifetime.”
"Our images are so special and really captured our joy and the sweet personality of our little girl. Lyndsay did a great job going beyond the typical posed shots and making our photos feel authentic. We will treasure them forever."
- amanda, northborough
"We have done multiple sessions (family and newborn) and we’re so happy with the results. Lyndsay makes you feel comfortable and is able to truly capture the moment. We will have her prints hung in our house for years to come."
- beth - framingham
"We've done it all - newborn, maternity, cake smash, family photos - and every single time we are amazed by the quality of the end product. Lyndsay captures beautiful moments that we will treasure forever!"
- nicole - framingham